Editors note

Editors note sadmin


Piece jobs. That is the reality of livelihood for many of our readers. But things are changing. Many of those who are dependent on these ‘piece jobs’, are discovering opportunities that are allowing them to become full-time employees and entrepreneurs.Government, through its different departments, has started many projects to develop and transfer basic skills to encourage people to empower themselves. Many people are taking these opportunities and are reaping benefits that new skills bring.

This month’s role model, Cheryl Carolus, tells  us not to wait for handouts, but do things for themselves.Also in this edition, we focus on opportunities created by government, via the Department of Labour and the Department of Public Work’s Expanded Public Works Programme, to equip people with new skills in areas like road construction, early childhood development and environmental projects.

The government has created  these projects for all  South Africans. It is our duty to find out and make use of them.

Call the Batho Pele Gateway Call Centre on 1020 and change your life today.

The Editor
