Know your Minister

Know your Minister Joy
Malusi Gigaba is the Minister of Home Affairs, a position he has held since 2014.
About the Minister

Minister Malusi Gigaba.Prior to his current position, he was Minister of Public Enterprises and has also served as a Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

Minister Gigaba is a graduate of the University of Durban-Westville (UDW) with a Bachelor of Pedagogics (Education).

He further completed a Master of Arts degree in Social Policy, majoring in Urban Affairs and Policy from UDW during the period 1992 to 1994.

In 1997 he was awarded a Certificate of Merit by University of Durban-Westville’s Faculty of Education for outstanding achivements and contribution to faculty and society and the Cuban National University Students Federation awarded him the highest medal awarded to students and youth leaders in Cuba, the Jose Antonio Echeverrias Medal at the University of Havana’s Aula Matta in 2002.

Aboout the Department

The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for offering both civic and immigration services.

Civic services include, among others, application for marriage certificates, identity documents and travel documents while immigration services include amongst others, application for asylum, citizenship and special permits.
