Are municipalities spending money properly?

Are municipalities spending money properly? Joy

Municipalities are responsible for providing basic services such as water and electricity to their local communities, as well as ensuring that cities and towns are well taken care of. 

It is important for citizens to know how their municipality is raising money and how it is spent. Citizens should also have a say in how future resources are spent to better their lives.

National Treasury is introducing changes to improve data on municipal finances and making it more accessible to the general public. In October 2016, the “Municipal Money” website was launched. The website provides general information on each municipality, such as where it is located, how many people live in the municipality, who the mayor and the municipal manager are, who is in charge of the municipality’s money; and how the municipality makes and spends its money in a given year. The website also provides an opportunity to view and to compare financial performance between municipalities. It also has easy-to-follow analysis of what the data means, as well as links to other educational resources. It can be accessed from a cell phone, so residents can call up and use the information at anytime and anywhere.

This will empower citizens to use the information to make decisions, direct questions to municipal managers and mayors and hold
them accountable to their communities
