Getting on board the technology train

Getting on board the technology train sadmin
Written by Samona Murugan

Education empowers

Schools throughout the country have jumped on board the technology train with the roll-out of the Teacher Laptop Initiative. The initiative allows teachers to use a laptop to gather information, share ideas and learn from each other to improve the quality of education in classrooms.

Modern technology and especially computers have become a part of our daily lives. It is therefore only natural that computers should start being used in classrooms as a teaching tool.

The Teacher Laptop Initiative is part of the Education Labour Relations Council and the Basic Education Department’s Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign. The aim is to improve the overall quality of education by making resources available to learners and teachers.

What is a laptop?
A laptop is a portable computer that can be used anywhere because it is small and works with batteries. It can fit on your lap and you can carry it in a briefcase.

Teaching tool

The goal is to ensure that every teacher owns a laptop and knows how to use it in the classroom. This will improve teachers’ skills and transform learning in classrooms.

Teachers throughout the country, who have already signed up for the laptop initiative have received training on computer literacy. They were taught how to connect to the Internet, how to search and gather information and how to use the Internet and various software packages.


Teachers who sign up for the initiative will have a choice of different laptop packages. These include administration materials, the national curriculum and Internet connectivity, which have been approved by the department.

Teachers who are part of the initiative, will receive a monthly allowance to contribute to the cost of the laptop and Internet connection.

What are the benefits of the laptop initiative?

By using laptops as a teaching tool, teachers are able to access information quickly. They will also be able to receive information directly from the department.

Classrooms will become more interactive. It will encourage learner participation in class while making learning more fun.

Information and communication technology will be introduced to learners.

Lesson preparation, plans, tasks and projects can be improved.

Schools and teachers will be able to improve planning, management and administration.

For more information visit or call the Education Labour Relations Council on 012 663 7446, or the Department of Basic Education on 012 357 3000.