Giving 67 minutes of service

Giving 67 minutes of service sadmin
Written by Mbulelo Baloyi

Mandela Day

"It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it." - Nelson Mandela

On 18 July, Nelson Mandela celebrated his 92nd birthday. Mandela’s birthday has now officially been declared “Nelson Mandela International Day” by the United Nations.

The day is an annual celebration of Nelson Mandela’s life and the values he embraced. These include democracy, equality, reconciliation, diversity, responsibility, respect and freedom.

Global call to action

It is a global call to action for people to make their own positive imprint on the world. It is one day in the year that people across the globe stand together to serve the communities around them and work towards a better future. The overall goal is to carry out the message of Mandela Day every day of the year.

Helping others

The Mandela Day campaign message was simple. Nelson Mandela has given 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. In turn everyone both young and old was encouraged to give 67 minutes of their time to help others.

Millions of people worldwide jumped on board to honour and celebrate his legacy. Many supported their local charities, built homes in their communities, donated food and clothes to disadvantaged communities and lots more.

Messengers on bikes

Among the highlights of Mandela Day was a group of 21 motorbike riders left the Nelson Mandela Foundation on a six-day road trip from Johannesburg to Cape Town to spread the Mandela Day message.

Planting the seeds

The bikers included International Actor Morgan Freeman, local actors and celebrities, business people and sports stars.

Their goal was to be messengers on a journey throughout the country to plant the seed of Madiba’s values at every stop.
