Greetings from the Editor

Greetings from the Editor sadmin


This is our fourth edition of Vuk’uzenzele and your response has been very heartwarming. We receive hundreds of letters from readers. Practically all the letters we get from you are congratulatory ones. As a magazine, we provide an open forum for our readers to express opinions around issues affecting their lives. While it pleases us to receive so many nice letters we also welcome letters that are not congratulatory. Please keep the letters coming in and don’t be afraid to speak your mind on issues that concern you – even if critical of the government.

This is also a very special edition of Vuk’uzenzele. It focuses on President Thabo Mbeki’s guidance around Asgisa, the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa. Because it is such an important issue we have come out with a bigger edition – 48 pages – and a bigger print order of 2-million copies. So those of you who get the magazine for the first time don’t feel disappointed when we return to our original run of 1,1 million copies next edition. We must try to use the Ubuntu spirit by passing the magazine around when you are done with it.

The Editor
