Mar 2016 2nd Edition

Promoting good governance, growing tourism

Written by Albert Pule

State of the Province Address

The North West Provincial Government will continue to rebrand, reposition and renew the province based on five pillars.

Premier Supra Mahumapelo said despite weaknesses in his administration, there had been some progress made on dealing with the challenges facing the people of the province.

“Much as we acknowledge and own up to our weaknesses, much progress has been registered in the last 21 months of this administration.”

“We are also aware and have drawn important lessons from mistakes and miscalculations that may have been committed as we sought to implement these good intentions.”

The Premier was speaking during the State of the Province Address.

Running a clean administration

Premier Mahumapelo said his administration will make sure that every person employed across the provincial government is accounted for.

“In order to reduce the salary bill, we have conducted staff verification for the Department of Education and Sports Management and the verification of the number and qualifications of all public servants across Provincial Departments would be concluded by March 2016.

“Should it be found that there are people in the employ of the state without necessary qualifications, such employees shall be relieved of their duties in line with all prescripts in the public service.”

He added that the various departments are working closely with other stakeholders in the public service to resolve reported cases of misconduct. 

“We are working with the Public Service Commission and National Department of Public Service and Administration to ensure that people charged with theft, fraud and corruption are immediately denied the benefit of income when suspended.“

Developing villages

In line with the National Development Plan, the provincial government is developing a Village Development Plans targeting all the 767 villages of our province.

He added that though the plan is in its early stages, a plan targeting two villages is finalised.

“To date we have finalised two village development plans per municipality across all 23 municipalities, and intend completing all 767 plans by the end of May 2016.”

Over 13 000 qualifying households will get electricity. He added that the electrification of those houses will be done with an estimated cost of R279 million and will target villages, townships and small towns.

Over 13 000 qualifying households will be electrified in 2016.“In an effort to better our current delivery rate of 87 percent electrification roll out, 13 422 qualifying households in 104 villages, townships and small dorpies that never had electricity before across the Province will be electrified in 2016 at the cost of estimated R 279 million.”

Increasing tourism in the province

In an effort to boost tourism in the province, the provincial administration has developed the Provincial Tourism Sector Strategy, Culture and heritage tourism strategy and the Events Tourism strategy.

“These strategies will give expression to the Arts, Culture and Tourism (ACT) developmental agenda of the North West Province and contribute to the country's priority areas of economic development.

“The province will embark on the implementation of strategies that talk to Rural and Social Tourism to develop and grow domestic tourism in Bokone-Bophirima. Focus will be on village, townships and small town tourism. We urge people not to wait for government but start working now.”

He added that his administration will do anything in their power to make sure the province grows.

“Bokone-Bophirima is rising again and will go higher and higher.”

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