Mar 2011

Budget highlights 2011

Special edition feature: Government's Programme of Action

In February each year, the Minister of Finance announces governemnt's spending, tax and borrowing plans for the year ahead. This is called the national budget speech. In the speech, the Minister provides information on how government will raise money and how it will be spent. The national budget divides money between national departments, provinces and municipalities.

Spending plans over the next three years

  • R10 billion for job creation , small enterprise development and youth employment.
  • R9,5 billion to increase enrolment at Further Education and Training colleges and skills development.
  • R8,2 billion to improve school facilities
  • R7,9 billion to improve primary healthcare, revitalise hospitals and combat HIV and AIDS.
  • R10,4 billion for public transport, roads and rail infrastructure.
  • R7,2 billion to upgrade human settlements, municipal services and water infrastructure.
  • R2,8 billion for rural development and emerging farmer support.
  • R8,9 billion for social security benefits and social grants.
  • Old age and disability grant increase by R60 to R1 140 a month and the Child-Support Grant will increase to R260 in April and R270 in October.
  • R1,8 billion for municipalities and provinces to deal with immediate disaster needs.

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